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Coming Fall 2021



Wellness-Focused, Story-Driven Learning

Built on PopBase Technology



"Woodland Mysteries" educates children 4-6 about staying healthy through immersive stories in an interactive digital world. Think of it like Headspace meets Sesame Street, built for a generation growing up on streaming content, video games and social media.

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We design with a “story first” philosophy to make sure that kids are excited to stay updated on the fantastic adventures occurring in Woodland Mysteries . But as the story unfolds, we continually emphasize and reinforce our wellness theme. The story and dynamic interactions continually reinforce a gentle, but clear message about the importance of wellness and health.

It’s new way of storytelling that is more responsive than television shows or books, and more story driven than standard educational apps. Woodland Mysteries will be marketed as interactive wellness education for  parents, and just straightforward entertainment for kids.

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Using our proprietary technology, we want to spark curiosity in kids to discover more,  without feeling like they’re forced their vegetables. We teach wellness values  through an immersive world, while using game interactions to emphasize learning loops to encourage positive habits. We want to get kids genuinely excited about the characters, so that they will want to learn what their favorite characters are learning.

Story and “learning by doing” have always been the best ways to teach, retain and apply new knowledge. With our tech -  we can be even more effective, because we can non-intrusively track engagement data, allowing us to learn from our fans directly, what’s working, what’s not...and always insure that we are deliver the best experience to keep them healthy!




A Problem Worth Solving



Wellness Literacy is a global issue

The cost of low health literacy ALONE to the U.S. economy is between $106B to $238B annually. Whether it's public safety, mental health or environmental challenges – preventative solutions are more powerful than reactive solutions. Lack of effective wellness knowledge costs us on every level- with high societal costs, and high personal costs. 


For kids this translates to negative impact on school performance, on family dynamics and even future career prospects.



The Woodland Mysteries Thesis

Woodland Mysteries is a mobile app that provides an immersive, story driven, interactive experience focusing on improving wellness literacy for younger audiences .


Thanks to our tech the content is flexible and can be updated anytime anywhere. Today we can author an interactive experience teaching about healthy eating habits and tomorrow a pandemic explodes and we push out a lesson on how to respond to the new  threat.


The Language of Interactivity

When it comes to wellness - kids are an under-served market. This younger generation lives on mobile games, they breath high quality interactive media. If you want to DIRECTLY get them hooked - you have to meet them halfway. And you won’t get that with task list apps.


Right now we are failing our children because we are NOT speaking their language.

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